S. Y. B. Sc.

Linear Algebra II


Course Code: USMT402

Credits: 2 || Lecture/week: 3
Probable/Actual Hrs Available: 4

Unit i : linear transformation

Linear Algebra I

Course Code: USMT302

Credits: 2 || Lecture/week: 3
Probable/Actual Hrs Available: 45

Unit I : System of Equations and Matrices


Titles / Details

Video Lectures

Lecture Notes

Assignments / Practicals


System of Equations and Matrices

Systems of homogeneous and non-homogeneous linear equations,

System of Equations and Matrices

Simple examples of finding solutions of such systems

System of Equations and Matrices

Geometric and algebraicunderstanding of the solutions.
Matrices (with real entries),

System of Equations and Matrices

Matrix representation of system of homogeneous System 

System of Equations and Matrices

Matrix representation of system of non-homogeneous System

System of Equations and Matrices

Algebra of solutions of systems of homogeneous linear

System of Equations and Matrices

A system of homogeneous linear equations with number of unknowns more
than the number of equations has infinitely many solutions.

System of Equations and Matrices

Elementary row and column operations.

System of Equations and Matrices

Row equivalent matrices. Row reduction (of a
matrix to its row echelon form).

System of Equations and Matrices

Gaussian elimination. Applications to solving systems of
linear equations. Examples.

System of Equations and Matrices

Elementary matrices. Relation of elementary row operations with elementary matrices.

System of Equations and Matrices

Invertibility of elementary matrices.

System of Equations and Matrices

Consequences such as (i) a square matrix is invertible
if and only if its row echelon form is invertible

System of Equations and Matrices

(ii) invertible matrices are products of
elementary matrices.

System of Equations and Matrices

Examples of the computation of the inverse of a matrix using Gauss
elimination method

Unit II : Vector Spaces over IR


Titles / Details

Video Lectures

Lecture Notes

Assignments / Practicals


Vector Spaces over IR

Defination of Vector Space Over R

Vector Spaces over IR

Span, Basess, Column Space & Null Space

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR

Vector Spaces over IR